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Saxophon Quartett Workshop

Quartett Workshop - Gemeinsam in der Gruppe wachsen

The true magic of music unfolds not only in solo performances but also in harmonious ensemble play. That's why I offer Saxophone Quartet Workshops. Together, we experience the power of music with rhythm training, group improvisations, and collaborative work on pieces and songs.


Workshop Highlights:


Rhythm Training:

  • Rhythmic exercises for precise timing and group dynamics

  • Collaborative understanding and practice of complex rhythms and patterns


Group Improvisation:

  • Creative sessions for developing spontaneous melodies and harmonies in the quartet

  • Playful exercises to promote ensemble play and strengthen individual improvisational skills (Call and Response, etc.)


Collaborative work on pieces:

  • Selection of pieces from various genres for broad musical development

  • Detailed work on interpretation, expression, and nuances to create captivating performances


Integration of Jazz Theory:

  • Practical application of jazz chords and scales

  • Instruction on improvisation techniques and understanding jazz theory for a versatile musical palette


I'm excited if you're interested in the Saxophone Workshop. Together, we will not only grow musically but also fully enjoy the pleasure of making music together.


Trumpets and flutes are also welcome.


Prices: 90 minutes - 30€ (per person for a group of four)


Looking forward to making music together

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